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Picture Memes Uk Axbo Ifunny
When you’re a Star Wars fan, waiting for the next Star Wars movie or episode is unbearable, especially when Disney delayed the upcoming movies by 2023. Re-watching The Rise of Skywalker or the original trilogy may be too exhausting.
1. Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing this cutesy baby Yoda snuck in sweet sleep in this Star Wars meme, trying his best to wake up. Isn’t he such a “mood”? Tell us someone who doesn’t murmur, “five minutes more” every time their alarm clock snoozes. Dream on!
2. Uh-oh, it looks like Han Solo needs to watch his back from now on. The Dark Lord of the Sith might come after him. To all guys out there, will you heed the warning from this Star Wars meme? Are dad jokes funny? Maybe, something like that.
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3. In Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back film, Darth Vader cut off Luke’s hand. This was such a tragic event, but how can you not laugh at this meme? Count me in.
4. In one Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith episode, the dialogue, “What’s the situation, Captain?” became a star of Star Wars memes. But if you’re late for class and ask a magical question as this meme did, your teacher might just give you an F. Others won’t mind, though. May the Force be with you.
The firstStar Warsfilm debuted in 1977, one year after Richard Dawkins first coined the word “meme” in his 1976 bookThe Selfish Gene. Even though most people at the time had no idea what a meme was, or for that matter what the internet was, every kid who went around saying “These are not the droids you are looking for” was unknowingly participating in what would come to be known as meme culture. With that,Star Warsmemes were born.
What High School Does To You Star Wars Memes Star Wars Memes Star
With 40+ years of films, novels, TV shows, and comics to draw from,Star Wars now has more memes than lightsaber battles. Here are just a few of the best and most popular.
This plot twist in 1980’sThe Empire Strikes Backbecame one of the most-quoted lines in cinema history. When Luke Skywalker confronts Darth Vader in Cloud City, he gets his not-quite-yet-a-Jedi ass handed to him. Not that he could hold it because Vader also chops his hand off. Not exactly the actions of a loving father, yet Vader claims that Luke is his son.
So many people remember the line as “Luke, I am your father” that the scene is often used as evidence of the “Mandela Effect”. The misremembered line has since become a staple of pop culture, and it continues to show up in TV shows and movies.
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